HAB Detail
3.3V HAB
2. 06 Jul 2014 Balloon launch Detail
more photos from sky
3. 13 Jul 2014 Balloon launch Detail
function test fly
4. 20 Jul 2014 Balloon launch Detail
function test fly
5. 27 Jul 2014 Balloon launch Detail
function test fly
Jun 2014 Balloon Launch
The aim of the project was to incorporate a simple
to use, simple to install, and simple to run
hardware and software bundle that is capable of
tracked through high altitudes attached to a weather
balloon. The hardware itself compromises of a
Transmitter, GPS receiver ( For location positioning
Power regulators so you can power it with batteries,
Temperature and Humidity sensors to transmit whilst
in flight, and connectors for the Antenna and GPS.
When bundled together the Pi will load up the
software and is ready to transmit all the data you
need to track your balloon throughout the world.
The software that has been written to work with the
board is an easy to understand, well commented
script that will receive GPS signals, then take only
the data it needs ( Latitude, Longitude, Altitude )
and then attach Temperature, Humidity, Flight mode,
and whether the balloon has reached the altitude
set in the script ( You can change this, default is
12,000m ). Once the balloon has reached this
altitude it will heat up nichrome wire which will
the pi to be cut loose from the balloon and stop it
from gaining more altitude and then bursting onto
the parachute / Pi enclosure which will render the
parachute unusable.
There are full instructions on how to set up the
Raspberry Pi and the receiver. There is software on
the PC which will read the signal from your receiver
( normally USB reader )
and it will show you the data on the screen and you
can also use this to connect it to www.spacenear.us/tracker
which is useful for the map and it will show
who is tracking your balloon and where it is located
as well as other data on the Raspberry Pi.
If you have a Pi Camera attached to the Raspberry Pi
and you have it enabled, you can take pictures. By
default it is enabled and can be changed by
editing the start-up script to start without a -p
for Picture, this will disable taking pictures. You
can also change your call sign ( What will show up
after $$$$$ ),
This will be how you identify your Balloon from all
the others. Other people can still track your
balloon if they tune into the right frequency, There
is a popular
IRC that is very active, you can connect to it
through "webchat.freenode.net" and the channel is
called #highaltitude which you can join by typing
/join #highaltitude.
There are always people on-line and they will always
help and are very smart on the subject and they all
test and fly HAB's.
If you need anymore help feel free to contact us by
sending us an email.

James, Tony & Jed

James with Pi-HAB &
backup tracker

1. Balloon 2. parachute
3. Pi-HAB
4.Back-up Tracker
tracking FM signal on laptop

Pi-HAB signal

Back up Tracker signal back at about 19:00 reach
at 28883m and drop and landed at 20:30
Track detail 14:13
Photo from Pi-HAB
